Control Panel Icons
Icons specific for Control Panel that can be used for Menu Item feature.
List of Control Panel Icons
Here's a comprehensive list of Control Panel icons along with their usage:
Icon Class Name | Icon Usage |
icon-chart-settings | Settings related to charts |
icon-magnifier | Magnification or search functionality |
icon-list4 | Detailed or numbered lists |
icon-funnel | Filtration or sorting functions |
icon-box | Box or container representation |
icon-tab | Tabbed browsing or sections |
icon-phone-wave | Call with wave signal |
icon-pencil-ruler2 | Drawing or design tools |
icon-lock | Security or locked state |
icon-paper-plane | Sending messages or documents |
icon-document | Text documents or files |
icon-profile | User profile information |
icon-home | Home or main page |
icon-brush2 | Painting or artistic tools |
icon-cog | General settings |
icon-hammer-wrench | Tools or maintenance |
icon-files | Multiple files or documents |
icon-window | Window or interface sections |
icon-bubble-question | Questions or inquiries |
icon-pie-chart | Data analytics or statistics |
icon-puzzle | Puzzle or complexity |
icon-bullhorn | Announcements or alerts |
icon-link2 | Hyperlinks or connections |
icon-menu | Menu or options list |
icon-check | Confirmation or approval |
icon-cross2 | Close or delete actions |
icon-chevron-down | Downward navigation |
icon-chevron-left | Leftward navigation |
icon-backward-circle | Rewind or backward action |
icon-play-circle | Play media |
icon-pause-circle | Pause media |
icon-forward-circle | Fast forward media |
icon-cart | Shopping cart |
icon-cart-plus | Add to cart |
icon-shovel | Digging or groundwork |
icon-pencil3 | Editing or writing tools |
icon-cli | Command line interface |
icon-users2 | Multiple users or community |
icon-shuffle | Shuffle or randomize |
icon-repeat-one | Repeat single item |
icon-repeat | Repeat multiple items |
icon-volume-high | High volume or sound |
icon-laptop-phone | Cross-device functionality |
icon-ellipsis | Additional options or more |
icon-aim | Target or focus |
icon-map-marker1 | Map location marker |
icon-location | General location indicator |
icon-calendar-check | Calendar with check mark |
icon-chevron-right | Rightward navigation |
icon-bug | Bug or issue reporting |
icon-home2 | Alternative home icon |
icon-city | City or urban area |
icon-palette | Artistic palette or colors |
icon-pencil-ruler | Drawing or drafting tools |
icon-fire | Flame or fire symbol |
icon-shield-check | Verified or secure |
icon-cog2 | Alternative settings icon |
icon-hammer-wrench2 | Alternative tools icon |
icon-heart2 | Filled heart or like |
icon-copy | Duplicate or copy action |
icon-clipboard-text | Clipboard with text |
icon-document2 | Alternative document icon |
icon-film-play | Play video |
icon-picture | Images or photographs |
icon-user | Single user or profile |
icon-users22 | Multiple users or group |
icon-tag | Tagging items |
icon-credit-card | Payment or credit card |
icon-bag-dollar | Money bag or financial |
icon-map-marker2 | Alternative location marker |
icon-map-marker-down | Downward map marker |
icon-map | General map |
icon-location2 | Alternative location indicator |
icon-calendar-full | Full calendar view |
icon-smartphone-notification | Mobile notifications |
icon-lamp | Ideas or light bulb |
icon-bubble-dots | Speech bubble with dots |
icon-lifebuoy | Support or help |
icon-brain | Intelligence or thinking |
icon-beaker | Science or experiments |
icon-chart-growth | Growth or analytics |
icon-check-square | Checked square box |
icon-briefcase | Business or work |
icon-network | Network or connectivity |
icon-alarm | Alarm or alert |
icon-billing | Billing or invoices |
icon-plus | Addition or more items |
icon-store | Retail store |
icon-heart | Heart or like |
icon-camera2 | Camera or photography |
icon-tags | Multiple tags |
icon-bubble | Speech bubble |
icon-list | Bullet points or lists |
icon-border-all1 | Grid or border all |
icon-graph | Graphs or statistics |
icon-license2 | Licensing or permits |
icon-bookmark2 | Bookmark or save |
icon-pencil5 | Writing or editing |
icon-star | Star or favorite |
icon-star-empty | Empty star or rating |
icon-add-media | Add multimedia content |
icon-analytics | Data analytics |
icon-commerce | E-commerce or trade |
icon-dashboard | Dashboard or overview |
icon-design | Design or layout |
icon-notifications | Alerts or notifications |
icon-screens | Multiple screens or devices |
icon-users | Users or group |
icon-code | Code or development |