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userData is a framework provided in buildfire.js that allows the app user and app owner to save and retrieve simple and complex data. The framework facilitates CRUD operations common to all data operations as well as searching, sorting and paging complex data.

This service also takes care of all server side infrastructure to unburden the developer and app owner for developing the server side components and the costs of running a server. This service is provided out of the box at no additional charge.

The userData service also handles caching of data and other performance enhancements.

The use of the userData is completely optional. The developer may choose to communicate with his own custom api.


userData has read/write permissions on widget side. userData is data that is saved from the widget side and only accessable to user that initiated the request and only on current plugin. If you want to save data from widget side and have it available to other users, check out publicData or if you want data to be accessable by other plugins, check out appData


If you want to work with Geospatial data check GeoData Wiki


To support high performance search and sort query check Indexed Fields



buildfire.userData.get(tag, callback)

Calls the userData to retrieve plugin data objects in JSON format.


If there are many objects with the same id, only one random record will be returned

buildfire.userData.get("main record", (err, result) => {
if (err) return console.error("Error while retrieving your data", err);
console.log("Main record",;


tagstringnoKey used to differentiate your content saved in userData. ex(settings or questions) etc.

callback(err, result)

Callback function after something is done

errstringerror string, null when operation is successful
resultobjectResult object containing userData tag and data
dataobjectObject saved in userData under the selected tag
tagstringObject tag

More Examples

If your userData has only one object and does not use tags, you can skip the tag argument

buildfire.userData.get((err, result) => {
if (err) return console.error(err);

console.log("Data: ",;


buildfire.userData.getById(id, tag, callback)

Calls the userData to retrieve plugin data object by id in JSON format.

"main record",
(err, result) => {
if (err) return console.error("Error while retrieving your data", err);
console.log("Object: ",;


idstringyesDatastore object id


tagstringnoKey used to differentiate your content saved in userData. ex(settings or questions) etc.

callback(err, result)

Callback function after something is done

errstringerror string, null when operation is successful
resultobjectResult object containing userData tag and data
dataobjectObject saved in userData under the selected id
tagstringObject userData tag

save(), tag, callback)

This method calls the userData to update all plugin data objects that have that tag. if no object is found it will create one, and does not check for duplicates


Data objects saved using save() method will not get assigned ids. Data will be saved in the same format as provided.
{ name: "John Doe", tel: "555-111-1111" },
(err, result) => {
if (err) return console.error("Error while saving your data", err);

console.log("Data saved successfully", result);


objobjectyesObject to be stored in userData


tagstringnoKey used to differentiate your content saved in userData. ex(settings or questions) etc.

callback(err, result)

Callback function after something is done

errstringerror string, null when operation is successful
resultobjectResult object containing userData tag and data
dataobjectObject saved in userData
tagstringObject userData tag


buildfire.userData.insert(obj, tag, checkDuplicate, callback)

Calls the userData to insert a data object. If an object already exists with this tag and checkDuplicate is false it will create another record otherwise it will return a duplicate entry error. Use this method to save multiple records under the same tag. Every inserted item will get unique id. You can use this id later in getById

{ name: "John Doe", tel: "555-111-1111" },
(err, result) => {
if (err) return console.error("Error while inserting your data", err);

console.log("Insert successful", result);


objobjectyesObject to be stored in userData


tagstringnoKey used to differentiate your content saved in userData. ex(settings or questions) etc.


checkDuplicatebooleannoIf true it will prevent insertion of duplicate records, if false it will allow duplicatesfalse

callback(err, result)

Callback function after data is inserted

errstringerror string, null when operation is successful
resultobjectResult object containing userData tag, data and id
dataobjectObject inserted in userData
tagstringObject userData tag
idstringObject unique id


buildfire.userData.bulkInsert(obj, tag, callback)

Calls the userData to insert multiple data objects at once. If objects already exist with this tag it will create new records. Use this method to save multiple records with single API call.


Data objects inserted using bulkInsert() method will not get assigned ids.

{ name: "John Doe", tel: "555-111-1111" },
{ name: "Jane Doe", tel: "555-222-2222" },
(err, result) => {
if (err) return console.error("Error while inserting your data", err);

console.log("Insert successful", result);


obj[object]yesArray of object to be inserted in userData


tagstringnoKey used to differentiate your content saved in userData. ex(settings or questions) etc.

callback(err, result)

Callback function after data is inserted

errstringerror string, null when operation is successful
resultobjectResult object containing userData tag, data and id
dataobjectObject array inserted in userData
tagstringObject userData tag


buildfire.userData.update(id, obj, tag, callback)

Calls the userData to update the data object that matches that tag and id. If an object doesn't exist this operation will fail. Use this method to update a single record.

"55bfa813032868a0115c5f98", // Replace this with your object id
{ name: "John Doe", tel: "555-111-2222" },
(err, result) => {
if (err) return console.error("Error while inserting your data", err);

console.log("Update successful", result);


idstringyesDatastore object id


Can be one of two options:

  1. The JSON object you'd like saved.
objobjectyesObject to be updated in userData. Object must contain the original id of the object.
  1. A command object meant to pass data modifying operators to the userData to update certain properties only
objobjectyesData modifying object.


tagstringnoKey used to differentiate your content saved in userData. ex(settings or questions) etc.

callback(err, result)

Callback function after data is inserted

errstringerror string, null when operation is successful
resultobjectResult object containing userData tag, data and id
dataobjectObject array inserted in userData
tagstringObject userData tag
idstringObject unique id

More Examples

{ name: "John Doe", tel: "555-111-1111" },
(err, result) => {
if (err) return console.error("Error while inserting your data", err);

console.log("Insert successful", result);
let objectId =;

{ name: "John Doe", tel: "555-111-2222" },
(err, updatedResult) => {
if (err) return console.error("Error while updating your data", err);

console.log("Update successful", updatedResult);


buildfire.userData.searchAndUpdate(search, obj, tag, callback)

Calls the userData to search and update the data object that matches that tag and search query. Use this method to update a multiple records or to update spacific element on each record.

{ name: { $eq: "John Doe" } },
{ $set: { name: "John Doe Smith" } },
(err, result) => {
if (err) return console.error(err);

console.log(result.nModified + " records updated");

JSON object that containing the filter (search query). See search operators

searchobjectyesObject containing data filters


Can be one of two options:

  1. The JSON object you'd like saved.
objobjectyesObject to be updated in userData. Object must contain the original id of the object.
  1. A command object meant to pass data modifying operators to the userData to update certain properties only
objobjectyesData modifying object.


tagstringnoKey used to differentiate your content saved in userData. ex(settings or questions) etc.

callback(err, status)

Callback function after data is inserted

errstringerror string, null when operation is successful
statusobjectStatus object
dataobjectObject array inserted in userData
tagstringObject userData tag
idstringObject unique id

More Examples

How to update and set values inside array of the data objects

name: "John Doe",
tel: "555-111-1111",
addresses: [{ city: "San Diego" }],
{ name: "Mike Rotch", tel: "555-222-2222" },
(err, data) => {
if (err) return console.error(err);

console.log("Data inserted successfully");

{ name: "John Doe", "": "San Diego" },
{ $set: { "addresses.$.state": "CA" } },
(err, result) => {
if (err) return console.error(err);

console.log(result.nModified + " records updated");


buildfire.userData.delete(id, tag, callback)

Calls the userData to delete the data object that matches that tag and object id. If an object doesn't exists this operation will fail.

buildfire.userData.delete("YOUR_ID_HERE", "contactInfo", (err, result) => {
if (err) return console.error(err);

console.log("Record deleted");


idstringyesObject id issued when inserting the data. Can be retrieved initially using get() method.


tagstringnoKey used to differentiate your content saved in userData. ex(settings or questions) etc.

callback(err, result)

Callback function after data is inserted

errstringerror string, null when operation is successful
resultobject{"status": "deleted"}

More examples

{ name: "John Doe", tel: "555-111-1111" },
(err, result) => {
if (err) return console.error("Error while inserting your data", err);

console.log("Insert successful", result);

buildfire.userData.delete(, "contactInfo", (err, result) => {
if (err) return console.error("Error while deleting your data", err);

console.log("Record deleted");


buildfire.userData.bulkDelete(obj, tag, callback)

Calls the userData to delete multiple data objects at once by their IDs. Use this method to delete multiple records with a single API call.


Passing an empty array of ids will cause the operation to fail

// should be an array of previously inserted object ids
let idsToDelete = ["previously-added-object-id-1", "previously-added-object-id-2"];
buildfire.userData.bulkDelete(idsToDelete, "contactInfo", (err, result) => {
if (err) return console.error("there was a problem deleting your data");
console.log("Records deleted");


obj[string]yesArray of object ids to be deleted, ids can be retrieved initially using get() for a single object or search() for multiple objects.


tagstringnoKey used to differentiate your content saved in userData. ex(settings or questions) etc.

callback(err, result)

Callback function after data is deleted

errstringerror string, null when operation is successful
resultobject{"status": "deleted"}

search(), tag, callback)

Calls the userData to search through objects that matches that tag and options criteria. Use this method to search through many records to pull a matching subset. This method allows complex filtering as well as sorting and pagination
filter: {
$or: [
{ "$json.rank": { $gt: "600", $lt: "900" } },
{ "$": "Jane Doe" },
sort: { rank: 1, lastName: -1 },
fields: ["rank", "lastName"],
skip: 20,
limit: 10,
(err, result) => {
if (err) return console.error("there was a problem retrieving your data");

console.log("Records found: ", result);


JSON object that contains the filter, sort column, pagination parameters and get total records count.

filterobjectnoThe format is inspired by MongoDB. While many features overlap they are not a direct match. You must add $json. as a prefix for any property you want to filter. See search operators
sortobjectnoObject with properties you'd like to sort on with 1 for ascending and -1 for descending
fields[string]noArray of fields that you'd like to get. If this option is not provided all fields will be returned
recordCountbooleannoIf true the result will return the object with totalRecord number and a result arrayfalse
pagenumbernoPage you want to retrieve. Should be used in combination with pageSize0
pageSizenumbernoNumber of records per page, the max value is 50.50
skipnumbernoNumber of record that you need to skip. Should be used with limit0
limitnumbernoNumber of records for this call, the max value is 50.50

For pagination you can either use page and pageSize or skip and limit, but not both at the same time


tagstringnoKey used to differentiate your content saved in userData. ex(settings or questions) etc.

callback(err, result)

Callback function after data is inserted

errstringerror string, null when operation is successful
result[object] or objectIf recordCount flag is true, the result is object with totalRecord number and result array, otherwise it's array of fetched objects

More examples
filter: {
$or: [
{ "$json.rank": { $gt: "600", $lt: "900" } },
{ "$": "Jane Doe" },
sort: { rank: 1, lastName: -1 },
fields: ["rank", "lastName"],
page: "0",
pageSize: "10",
(err, result) => {
if (err) return console.error("there was a problem retrieving your data");

console.log("Found " + result.length + " record(s)");
console.log(("Records": result));
filter: {
$or: [
{ "$json.rank": { $gt: "600", $lt: "900" } },
{ "$": "Jane Doe" },
sort: { rank: 1, lastName: -1 },
fields: ["rank", "lastName"],
skip: 20,
limit: 10,
recordCount: true,
(err, data) => {
if (err) return console.error("there was a problem retrieving your data");

console.log("Total records " + data.totalRecord + " record(s)");
console.log("Current records " + data.result.length + " record(s)");


buildfire.userData.aggregate(params, tag, callback)

Calls the userData to run aggregation pipeline that allow us to analyze documents data in real time and return computed results based on pipeline stages, which we can create an aggregation pipeline that consists of one or more stages. Each stage transforms the documents and passes the output to the next stage.

The aggregation pipeline provide results like the total number of documents, sum, average, maximum and minimum values for objects that matches that tag and pipeline stages.

pipelineStages: [
{ $match: {
"_buildfire.index.string1": 'fba5d2bc-f880-4bd9-ad7e-c6c48d846f9b'
"status": "success",
{ $group: { _id: null, avgScore: { $avg: "$score" } } }
skip: 0,
limit: 10,
(err, result) => {
if (err) return console.error("there was a problem aggregating your data");

console.log(" aggregation results: ", result);
{_id: null, avgScore: 75.4}


JSON object that contains the pipelineStages, pagination parameters.

pipelineStages[object]yesArray of objects represent the pipeline stages. The format is inspired by MongoDB Aggregation. Read more about Aggregation Pipeline Stages
pagenumbernoPage you want to retrieve. Should be used in combination with pageSize0
pageSizenumbernoNumber of records per page, the max value is 50.50
skipnumbernoNumber of record that you need to skip. Should be used with limit0
limitnumbernoNumber of records for this call, the max value is 50.50

For pagination you can either use page and pageSize or skip and limit, but not both at the same time.


tagstringnoKey used to differentiate your content saved in userData. ex(settings or questions) etc.

callback(err, result)

Callback function after data is retrieved

errstringerror string, null when operation is successful
result[object]Array of objects contain your aggregation results

More examples

The examples use a collection named articles with the following documents:

"_id": '',
"data": {
"author" : "dave",
"score" : 80,
"views" : 100,
"userId": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510',
"buildfire": {
"index": {
"string1": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510'
"createdOn": '2021-10-10T22:49:19.623Z'
"_id": '',
"data": {
"author" : "dave",
"score" : 85,
"views" : 521,
"userId": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510',
"buildfire": {
"index": {
"string1": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510'
"createdOn": '2021-10-10T22:49:19.623Z'
"_id": '',
"data": {
"author" : "max",
"score" : 60,
"views" : 1000,
"userId": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510',
"buildfire": {
"index": {
"string1": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510'
"createdOn": '2021-10-10T22:49:19.623Z'
"_id": '',
"data": {
"author" : "moe",
"score" : 55,
"views" : 5000,
"userId": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510',
"buildfire": {
"index": {
"string1": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510'
"createdOn": '2021-10-10T22:49:19.623Z'
"_id": '',
"data": {
"author" : "chris",
"score" : 60,
"views" : 50,
"userId": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510',
"buildfire": {
"index": {
"string1": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510'
"createdOn": '2021-10-10T22:49:19.623Z'
"_id": '',
"data": {
"author" : "moe",
"score" : 94,
"views" : 999,
"userId": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510',
"buildfire": {
"index": {
"string1": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510'
"createdOn": '2021-10-10T22:49:19.623Z'
"_id": '',
"data": {
"author" : "julia",
"score" : 95,
"views" : 1000,
"userId": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510',
"buildfire": {
"index": {
"string1": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510'
"createdOn": '2021-10-10T22:49:19.623Z'
Equality Match

The following operation uses $match stage to perform a simple equality match:

pipelineStages: [
{ $match : { "author" : "dave", "_buildfire.index.string1": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510' } }
skip: 0,
limit: 20
"articles", (err, result) => {
if (err) return console.error("there was a problem retrieving your data");
// result
[ {
_id: '',
data: {
"author" : "dave",
"score" : 80,
"views" : 100,
"userId": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510',
"_buildfire": {
"index": {
"string1": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510'
createdOn: '2021-10-10T22:49:19.623Z'
_id: '',
data: {
"author" : "dave",
"score" : 85,
"views" : 521,
"userId": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510',
"_buildfire": {
"index": {
"string1": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510'
createdOn: '2021-10-10T22:49:19.623Z'

The $match selects the documents where _buildfire.index.string1 equal "e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510" and the author field equals "dave", and the aggregation returns the following:

{ "author" : "dave", "score" : 80, "views" : 100, "userId": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510' }
{ "author" : "dave", "score" : 85, "views" : 521 , "userId": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510'}
Perform a Count

The following example selects documents to process using the $match pipeline operator and then pipes the results to the $group pipeline operator to compute a count of the documents:

pipelineStages: [
{ $match: {
"_buildfire.index.string1": 'e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510',
$or: [ { "score": { $gt: 70, $lt: 90 } }, { "views": { $gte: 1000 } } ] }
{ $group: { _id: null, totalCount: { $sum: 1 } } }
skip: 0,
limit: 10
(err, result) => {

// result
{ "_id" : null, "totalCount" : 5 }

In the aggregation pipeline, $match selects the documents where _buildfire.index.string1 equal "e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510" and either the score is greater than 70 and less than 90 or the views is greater than or equal to 1000. These documents are then piped to the $group to perform a count. The aggregation returns the following:

{ "_id" : null, "totalCount" : 5 }
Perform Sum and Average

The following example selects documents to process using the $match pipeline operator and then pipes the results to the $group pipeline operator to compute the sum of views and average of score for "moe" author:

pipelineStages: [
{ $match: {
"author": "moe",
"_buildfire.index.string1": "e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510"
$group: {
_id: null,
totalViews: { $sum: "$views" },
avgScore: { $avg: "$score" },
skip: 0,
limit: 10
(err, result) => {

// result
"_id" : null,
"totalViews" : 5999,
"avgScore": 74.5

In the aggregation pipeline, $match selects the documents where _buildfire.index.string1 equal "e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510" and author field equals "moe". These documents are then piped to the $group to compute the totalViews and avgScore. The aggregation returns the following:

"_id" : null,
"totalViews" : 5999,
"avgScore": 74.5
Perform Min and Max with Grouping

The following example selects documents to process using the $match pipeline operator and then pipes the results to the $group pipeline operator to compute the Min and Max of views, and Min and Max of score grouped by author:

pipelineStages: [
{ $match: {
"_buildfire.index.string1": "e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510"
$group: {
_id: "$author",
minViews: { $min: "$views" },
maxViews: { $max: "$views" },
minScore: { $min: "$score" },
maxScore: { $max: "$score" },
skip: 0,
limit: 10
(err, result) => {

// result
"_id" : 'dave',
"minViews" : 100,
"maxViews": 521,
"minScore": 80,
"maxScore": 85,
"_id" : 'max',
"minViews" : 1000,
"maxViews": 1000,
"minScore": 60,
"maxScore": 60,
"_id" : 'moe',
"minViews" : 1000,
"maxViews": 1000,
"minScore": 60,
"maxScore": 60,
"_id" : 'chris',
"minViews" : 999,
"maxViews": 5000,
"minScore": 55,
"maxScore": 94,
"_id" : 'julia',
"minViews" : 1000,
"maxViews": 1000,
"minScore": 95,
"maxScore": 95,

In the aggregation pipeline, $match selects the documents where _buildfire.index.string1 equal "e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510". These documents are then piped to the $group to compute the minViews, maxViews, minScore and maxScore grouped by author field . The aggregation returns the following:

"_id" : 'dave',
"minViews" : 100,
"maxViews": 521,
"minScore": 80,
"maxScore": 85,
"_id" : 'max',
"minViews" : 1000,
"maxViews": 1000,
"minScore": 60,
"maxScore": 60,
"_id" : 'moe',
"minViews" : 1000,
"maxViews": 1000,
"minScore": 60,
"maxScore": 60,
"_id" : 'chris',
"minViews" : 999,
"maxViews": 5000,
"minScore": 55,
"maxScore": 94,
"_id" : 'julia',
"minViews" : 1000,
"maxViews": 1000,
"minScore": 95,
"maxScore": 95,
Exclude Fields

The following example selects documents to process using the $match pipeline operator and then pipes the results to the $project pipeline operator to includes only the author, and score fields in its output documents:

pipelineStages: [
{ $match: {
"_buildfire.index.string1": "e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510"
"$project": {"author": 1, "score": 1}
skip: 0,
limit: 5
(err, result) => {

// result

The aggregation result

"data": {
"author" : "dave",
"score" : 80,
"data": {
"author" : "dave",
"score" : 85,
"data": {
"author" : "max",
"score" : 60,
"data": {
"author" : "moe",
"score" : 55,
"data": {
"author" : "chris",
"score" : 60,


Full Aggregation Example

The following example selects documents to process using the $match pipeline operator and then pipes the results to the $group pipeline operator to compute the total of views, and average of score grouped by author then pipes the grouping stage results to $sort pipeline that sort the result descending based on totalViews:

pipelineStages: [
{ $match: {
"_buildfire.index.string1": "e1efdf3a-a8a5-4c5a-8404-005c4b84b510",
"author": "moe"
$group: {
_id: "$author",
totalViews: { $sum: "$views" },
avgScore: { $avg: "$score" },
$sort: {"$avgScore": -1}
skip: 0,
limit: 5
(err, result) => {

// result

The aggregation result

"_id" : 'julia',
"totalViews" : 1000,
"avgScore": 95,
"_id" : 'dave',
"totalViews" : 621,
"avgScore": 82.5,
"_id" : 'moe',
"totalViews" : 5999,
"avgScore": 74.5,
"_id" : 'max',
"totalViews" : 1000,
"avgScore": 60,

"_id" : 'chris',
"totalViews" : 50,
"avgScore": 60,



buildfire.userData.onUpdate(callback, allowMultipleHandlers)

Allows you to pass a callback function that is called whenever the control updates data in the userData. Use this method in the widget to be notified that the control made a change so you can reflect that change directly in the widget. Returns a cleanup function to clear the listener.

let onUpdate = buildfire.userData.onUpdate((event) => {
console.log("Data has been updated ", event);

// when you want to stop listening
// onUpdate.clear();


Function you pass that gets called on each userData update

eventobjectUpdated userData records


allowMultipleHandlersbooleannoTells the method to override all other handlers, or allow multiple handlers to exist at the same time.false