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Buildfire is a mobile app building platform that allows developers through HTML, JS and CSS to create plugins for the platform to extend mobile app functionality. learn more at


  • NodeJS - download
  • npm
  • git
  • knowledge on how to create a pull-request on github


  • Buildfire SDK npm i buildfire you may need to be admin or super user depending on your environment
  • Init SDK buildfire init this will install the SDK in a folder called BuildFireSDK
  • Navigate to folder cd BuildFireSDK
  • Clone plugin buildfire plugin clone <plugin name>


buildfire plugin clone folderPlugin

from the repo

Run plugin locally

  • Run tester buildfire run this will run a web server on http://localhost:3030
  • in the Plugin input box enter in the name of your plugin. example: 'folderPlugin' depending on your OS this could be case sensitive

Understanding the autonomy of a Buildfire Plugin

  • the Control: is the right hand side of the plugin meant to live in the Buildfire control panel/dashboard
  • the Widget: is the left hand side of the plugin meant to live in the mobile app to learn more click here

Submit a pull request

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