API Keys that will be used in the App and other features in buildfire.
You can set these keys in buildfire control panel under Advanced > Api Keys
If you are developer and your plugin is using services that require one of the following keys, you can set test keys in buildfire sdk plugin tester, under API Keys page.
You can retrieve API Keys in plugins from context as in the following snippet:
buildfire.getContext((err, context) => {
console.log("API Keys:", context.apiKeys)
API keys:
Buildfire API Public Key
This key is used for buildfire public APIs and it will be needed in some of the SDK services, for more information check Buildfire API Swagger
Google Api Key
Goolge API Key used for google services. Read more on google documentation
Google Map Key
Goolge API Key user Maps JavaScript API. Read more on google documentation
Stripe Publishable Key
You can get Stripe publishable key from your stripe dashboard, check stripe documentation for more information.
Credit System Public Key
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